It’s been an intense year!
We still can’t get over how many young Europeans are taking their first steps in the world of finance, but we are even more pleased that their awareness of the mental health and tolerance towards people with disabilities is becoming stronger.
We invite you to read summary of the activities of the Czepczyński Family Foundation in the recent months.
On the occasion of the upcoming Christmas and New Year, we wish you a lot of joy, peace, prosperity and success.
CFF Team
Financial Competence Framework for Children and Youth

On October 2, the European Commission, together with the OECD, officially published the financial competence framework for children and youth. The “Launch of the EU/OECD-INFE Financial Competence Framework (FinComp) for Children and Youth” conference was a unique opportunity to connect global leaders, industry experts, and enthusiasts of financial education to discuss the future implementation of financial competence framework.
A keynote speech was delivered by Mairead McGuinness, Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union, and the OECD Deputy Secretary-General, Yoshiki Takeuchi. Beata Stelmach, advisor to the CFF management board, together with other outstanding experts – prof Annamaria Lusardi (George Washington University School of Business) and Manuel Bordoy (European Schools), shared our experience with financial education of children and ideas on how to make the joint competence framework operational.
The Brussles Times
Education is power. With these words, Commissioner Mairead McGuinness launched financial competence framework for children and youth.
We invite you to read the article on “Important step towards better financial literacy of children” in The Brussels Times. Margareta Przybyła, CFF International Cooperation & Partnerships coordinator, summarizes the event that took place at the European Commission on October 2.
ABC of Economics in Italy

7 primary schools (42 classes) have just joined “L’ABC dell’Economia” project in Busto Arsizio, Italy.
At the end of October, in cooperation with the ITS INCOM Academy, we have conducted workshops for Italian teachers, who will start running financial education classes based on our program. The workshops took place at the time, when the Italian Minister of Education has announced national guidelines for financial education of children and youth. These two days of intensive work (workshops, lectures and group work) allowed us to start building a network of educators in Italy, who are now well prepared to face educational challenges.
Educational Conference in Switzerland
We have started the new school year in Switzerland, while attending the First Edu-cational Conference for parents and teachers representing multilingual communities. The list of panelists included academic lecturers and experts in fields such as neurology, cultural studies and linguistics.
CFF’s President, Damian Kupczyk, gave a lecture entitled: “Child developmental psycho-logy and inclusive education.” We have also conducted “ABC of Empathy” workshops for teachers and had an opportunity to present our projects.

Deutscher Schulleitungs-Kongress in Düsseldorf

On November 24-28, representatives of the Czepczyński Family Foundation participated in the Deutscher Schulleitungs-Kongress in Düsseldorf. This is the largest event gathering school principals and managers from German-speaking countries, attended by nearly 3,000 participants every year. We have had a lot of intense conversations with teachers, educators and school principals.
This event gave us lot of inspiration and resulted in building relations with like-minded persons interested in financial and inclusive education.
Greater Poland takes lead role in education
Nearly 600 primary schools in Greater Poland joined our education projects! Additionally, Greater Poland citizens have now the opportunity to borrow books and teaching materials related to financial and inclusive education of children from pedagogical libraries.
We are very happy, that our education projects “ABC of Economics” and “ABC of Empathy”, which are already present in over 3,000 schoolsin Poland and 86 countries around the world, are now also available in libraries in our home region.