About the foundation
The Czepczyński Family Foundation is a dream come true for Justyna and Artur Czepczyński, entrepreneurs and parents of three children: Wiktor, Eryk and Zosia. They are familiar with the world of business, but it is not the only area where they are active. Growing up under the watchful eye of his father – a long-time principal of a local school – Artur knows the realities of the education system very well. While connecting the two worlds of business and education, he strives to improve the quality and accessibility of education for all children.
Our founders are demonstrating that it is possible, and even necessary, to start financial education from as early as pre-school level.

Another important area of activity for the Czepczyński family are needs of persons with disabilities. As parents of a hearing-impaired child, who has undergone numerous operations, Artur and Justyna have experienced lack of empathy and understanding in the society. This has motivated them to respond to the need to educate children and their parents about empathy and tolerance.
Take a look
The work of the Foundation is two-fold: we want to create a social impact in education and therapy. Through our projects we aim to change education systems by adapting them to the real needs of students.
We also aim to change the living environment for people with disabilities. Our goal is to eliminate any barriers and stereotypes related to people with disabilities.
We are achieving our goals via various activities: developing innovative education projects, running information campaigns, conducting research, sharing best practice and expertise as well as organizing lessons, workshops, trainings and conferences. We also support educational and cultural institutions by providing them with useful tools and education materials.
Our Team
Rada fundacji
Artur Czepczyński
Justyna Czepczyńska
Wiktor Czepczyński
Anna Meissner-Piechowicz
Marcin Rossa
Zarząd fundacji
Damian Kupczyk
Magdalena Michalska
Dokumenty formalne
Statut Fundacji Czepczyński Family Foundation
Uchwała Fundatorów CFF Nr 1. z dnia 03.07.2019 r.
Sprawozdania finansowe Czepczyński Family Foundation dostępne są na stronie Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości, aby je wyszukać wystarczy wpisać nr KRS fundacji (0000794645).